Wednesday 14 September 2016


Hye everyone
This blog is for my assessment in subject information technology in business that I have learned it for this semester. Now, I was in the semester 3 in course of Business Studies under Faculty of Business Management. For this subject, I have to make a blog for my assessment. Who boosters me in doing this blog? Of course my lecturer, which is Madam Noor Azzura. Initially hard to complete this blog, but with her guidance, her encouragement it has triggered this blog. Hope this blog can help you guys who take this subject too ^^

 What should be in this blog?

Summarize all that has been learned chapter (chapter 1 to chapter 15)

For all of this out if you want to see my notes, can be surly at the word 'Notes' at the right side of the blog. If you click it, it will come out my notes from chapter 1 until chapter 15. After click it, you can choose what chapter you want to read. For example, you want to read chapter 1, so click at Chapter 1 and it will show you my note for that chapter♥  
If you want to download to be saved as its own pounds, it can also. This notes is on what I understand and easy to understand. If you want to save, you can be download it^^

Discussion of case study. All case studies should be discussed in the blog.

In class, I was given 3 study case to be discussed in the blog. The first case study about Apple, the second case study on Air Asia and the third case study on New technology in all organization. 
If you want to know more, you can click on 'Case Study I: Apple Merging Technology, Business and Entertainment', 'Case Study II: Air Asia- Now Everyone Can Fly' and 'Case Study III: New Technology- Who or What is Responsible' existing at the right side of the blog.
(see to the right side of the blog, under the word 'notes', andddd yeay, you find it!! Now, click it ^^)

Choose and study one website. Discuss and analyze the following based on their effectiveness and efficiency of IT metrics

For this assessment, I have examined the efficiency and effectiveness of IT metrics and imagine how Facebook can be platform to promote page of Kami Collection. I name this content as 'Efficiency and Effectiveness'.You also can see this thing at the right side of this blog under the word 'Study Case III: New Technology: Who or What is Responsible'. You just need to click 'Efficiency and Effectiveness' at the right side of this blog under the word 'Case Study III' and "abracadabraa", this content will come out by itself after you click it.
Olaf the Snowman - Disney's Frozen